
Where future meets child....

The future is now in the minds of our children. Our mission is to help create a generation of healthy, well balanced creative individuals with a sense of self. We do this through Meditation, Ayurveda, Yoga Nidra and Hatha Yoga.

New Age Kids Camp - From Here to Enlightenment

Our mission is to help provide children with the tools and skills to navigate this world. Lessons are given everyday by life, by nature, it is up to us to recognize the value in each and every lesson, to learn, so that we may live to our fullest potential in a positive and evolutionary way.

The main goal of NAK Camp is to help kids reach their true potential by showing them how to tap into their inner strength and move within to know thyself. We’ve developed a week-long journey where children can learn to enrich their lives by connecting with their mind, body and spirit, allowing for more of their true nature to shine through. By exposing kids of all ages to yoga and meditation, they can easily begin their path to enlightenment.  NAK camp will provide the framework to help guide children to this enlightenment, through the use of improv and interaction with peers — helping to connect them with not only the outside world, but also with themselves. Knowing thyself, is the key to ultimate success.

Our mission is to give today’s children the tools they need to become ‘whole’ and ‘one’ with the universe in which we live.

We hope to do this through a fun filled camp where children will learn more about their inner and outer natures through yoga, meditation, ayurveda, creative play, sports, dance, drama and life lessons.

Activity Schedule

Campers will begin each day with ten minutes of meditation, followed by 45 min. of yoga. They will also each participate in team-based sports, as well as counselor led team-building games. Our improv/drama hour will focus on ‘life lessons’ where they will explore different areas of the Universal Laws, including the Law of Attraction, Law of Perception, Moral/Ethical Codes of Conduct and the Law of Causation (including Karma).

We will also devote a portion of the week to our special ‘Living Green’ laws. Through the use of drama and improv, campers will explore not only Universal Laws, but also the practicalities of life and will hopefully come away with some key attributes that help build character, such as: treating others with respect; using manners where appropriate; giving love and being truthful; being tolerant and striving for peace in all aspects of life.

Campers will also devote a significant portion of their time to ‘project sessions’.  During the ‘project sessions’, campers will learn a deeper understanding of the Universal Law of Attraction, and will work on creating their very own “Dream Book”, which they will each be able to take away with them at the end of their week-long journey and exploration onto the path of enlightenment.

Location and Fees

New Age Kids Camp-From Here to Enlightenment

No upcoming dates scheduled.

If you'd like to host a New Age Kids Camp, please reach out to us. 

YYTTC — Youth Yoga Teachers Training Course

No upcoming dates scheduled.

If you'd like to host a Youth Yoga Teacher Training, please reach out to us.



New Age Kids Audio Download


Guided Meditation For Childern- Journey into the Elements

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Guided Meditation For Children-Journey Into the Universe

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Once Upon a Dream-Music for Creative Dreaming-A Sleep CD for Children

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Positive Thoughts for Children-An Affirmation CD for Bedtime

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Vedic Lullabies-for Yoga, Sleep, Ayurveda Massage and Meditation

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Visions of Sugarplums-Guided Journeys-A Sleep CD for Children

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Guided Meditations for Manifesting

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Chakra: Guided MeditationsĀ to Unleash your Full Potential

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